A idéia de trazer mais bandas nacionais para o blog tem recebido elogios e como não podia deixar de ser.... hoje o destaque vai para a banda indie curitibana lavalsa.
Com a grafia em letras minúsculas, lavalsa surgiu na metade de 2010 quando Aline (guitarra e vocal) através de redes sociais mostrou seu interesse em formar uma banda alternativa e a partir daí Luís (baixo e vocal), Paulo (guitarra) e Ricardo (bateria) juntaram-se a ela.
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Lançaram seu primeiro EP auto entitulado que pode ser baixado pelo selo Virtual Sinewave.
A banda possui um repertório de 12 músicas em português e inglês e os vocais são alternandos entre Aline e Luís, recentemente lançaram o primeiro video da música "She Floats".
A sonoridade da banda remete muito as bandas indies do inicio dos anos 90 como Sonic Youth, Pixies, Radiohead e até mesmo da banda nacional Pin ups que também já foi destaque aqui no blog.
O post ficou curto, porém não precisa mais do que isso para mostrar a qualidade e o talento dessa ótima banda.
Deixo aqui o video "She Floats" e a música "Impossible Dreams".
Espero que gostem
Eduardo Freire
The idea of bringing more brazilian bands for the blog has received praise and how it could not be .... today the focus is on the indie band from Curitiba lavalsa.
Spelled in lowercase, lavalsa appeared in the summer of 2010 when Aline (guitar, vocals) through social networks showed their interest in forming an alternative band and from then Luis (bass and vocals), Paulo (guitar) and Ricardo (drums ) joined her.
They released their first self titled EP that the virtual label Sinewave where you can downloaded.
The band has a repertoire of 12 songs in Portuguese and English and the vocals are alternating between Aline and Luis.
They released their first self titled EP that the virtual label Sinewave where you can downloaded.
The band has a repertoire of 12 songs in Portuguese and English and the vocals are alternating between Aline and Luis.
Recently released their first music video "She Floats".
The sound of the band leads the indie bands of the early '90s as Sonic Youth, Pixies, Radiohead and even brazilian band Pin Ups which has also been highlighted here.
The post was short, but do not need more than that to show the quality and talent of this great band.
I leave here the video "She Floats" and the song "Impossible Dreams".
I hope you enjoy
The sound of the band leads the indie bands of the early '90s as Sonic Youth, Pixies, Radiohead and even brazilian band Pin Ups which has also been highlighted here.
The post was short, but do not need more than that to show the quality and talent of this great band.
I leave here the video "She Floats" and the song "Impossible Dreams".
I hope you enjoy
Eduardo Freire
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