Novamente trago a beleza e a competencia feminina, desta vez com uma banda Australiana formada por quatro irmas, Amy Findlay nos vocais principais e na bateria, Hannah Findlay na guitarra e nos backing vocais, Sarah Findlay nos teclados e backing vocais e Holly Findlay no baixo e também nos backing vocais. Stonefield.
Cresceram ouvindo em casa Led Zeppelin, Zappa e Hendrix por causa de seus pais e após ganharem deles uma bateria complea, Amy com 15 anos, a mais velha da turma, se encantou pelo instrumento e começou a fazer aulas, assim nao demorou para as suas irmas tambem se interessarem e logo em seguida Hanna com 13 anos assumiu a tocar guitarra, Sarah com 12 anos começou a tocar teclado e a mais nova Holly, na época com apenas 7 anos pediu um baixo para o pai e assim a banda estava completa e apesar de morarem em uma fazenda em uma pequena cidade rural situada ao norte de Melbourne com uma população estimada de pouco mais de 200 pessoas, por força do destino um professor de música se mudou para a fazenda vizinha e logo começou a ensina-las cada uma com o seu instrumento, logo estavam tirando músicas que ouviam na rádio e não demorou para começarem a tocar Hendrix, a partir dai começaram com as músicas próprias.
Em 2010 participaram de um concurso de bandas no qual foram vencedoras e como prémio ganharam algumas horas em estudio e assim gravaram o EP "Through The Clover", no mesmo ano tocaram no One Movement Festival e em junho de 2011 tocaram no Melbourne Cricket Ground, antes do jogo.
Sem mais deixo os videos da "Through The Clover" e "Yes Master".
Espero que gostem
Eduardo Freire
Today I bring the beauty and competence of women, this time with an Australian band formed by four sisters, Amy Findlay on lead vocals and drums, Hannah Findlay on guitar and backing vocals, Sarah Findlay on keyboards and backing vocals and bass and Holly Findlay also on backing vocals. Stonefield.
They grew up listening to at home Led Zeppelin, Zappa and Hendrix because of his parents and after gaining them a complete battery, Amy 15 years old, the oldest of the group, became fascinated by the instrument and began lessons, so do not take long for their sisters also take an interest and soon after Hanna took 13 years to play guitar, Sarah aged 12 started playing keyboards and the newest Holly, who was then only seven years asked for a bass to the father and the band was complete and despite they live in a farm in a small rural town located north of Melbourne with an estimated population of just over 200 people, by force of destiny music teacher moved to a neighboring farm and soon began to teach them each with your instrument, so were taking songs they heard on the radio and soon to begin playing Hendrix, from there began with the songs themselves.
In 2010 participated in a band contest in which they were victorious and won as a prize a few hours in the studio and just recorded the EP "Through The Clover" in the same year played the One Movement Festival in June 2011 and played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, before the game.
Here is the videos of "Through The Clover" and "Yes Master."
They grew up listening to at home Led Zeppelin, Zappa and Hendrix because of his parents and after gaining them a complete battery, Amy 15 years old, the oldest of the group, became fascinated by the instrument and began lessons, so do not take long for their sisters also take an interest and soon after Hanna took 13 years to play guitar, Sarah aged 12 started playing keyboards and the newest Holly, who was then only seven years asked for a bass to the father and the band was complete and despite they live in a farm in a small rural town located north of Melbourne with an estimated population of just over 200 people, by force of destiny music teacher moved to a neighboring farm and soon began to teach them each with your instrument, so were taking songs they heard on the radio and soon to begin playing Hendrix, from there began with the songs themselves.
In 2010 participated in a band contest in which they were victorious and won as a prize a few hours in the studio and just recorded the EP "Through The Clover" in the same year played the One Movement Festival in June 2011 and played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, before the game.
Here is the videos of "Through The Clover" and "Yes Master."