Para encerrar o ano, queria trazer algo jovem, divertido aí me lembrei de uma rapaziada que faz um estilo debochado, uma mistura de punk indie semelhante ao Art Brut (Art Brut foi apresentado em nov. aqui no blog), esses são os estudantes da banda “Los Campesinos”. Uma junção interessante e vibrande de Instrumentos variados nas composições fazem lembrar o “Architecture in Helsinki”, enfim.
De origem espanhola o nome “Los Campesinos” (Os Camponeses), se reuniram em 2006 na cidade de Cadiff, País de Gales em mais uma história acidental e não proposital, que acabou dando muito certo. Fizeram um primeiro show na Cadiff University, ou seja, um show na faculdade em Maio de 2006, três meses depois a banda já tinha fãs suficientes para garantir a abertura do show do “Broken Social Scene” e só mais tarde, no início de 2007 lançam o primeiro single, ou seja, fizeram shows sem ter trabalhos ainda gravados.
A banda iniciou a formação com: Aleksandra (teclado, trompa), Ellen (baixo), Gareth (glockenspiel), Harriet (violino, teclado), Neil (guitarra), Ollie (bateria), Tom (guitarra) e todos cantam.
Tudo seguiu muito bem, shows nos EUA, América do Sul, novos EPS, álbuns até que chegamos no lançamento do disco “Romance is Boring” em 2010, que para surpresa geral, no período de gravação deste álbum, Aleksandra deixou a banda para ser substituída pela irmã Gareth. Ao mesmo tempo mais um novo integrante , Rob. No mesmo ano o baterista Ollie foi convidado a deixar a banda e Merch Guy Jason assumiu. Mais tarde, em 2011 mais uma baixa, Harriet anunciou sua saída para continuar os estudos.
Discografia: 2008 - Hold on Now, Youngster... | 2008 We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed| 2010 - Romance Is Boring |2011 - Hello Sadness
A banda continua firme e forte, e para quem gosta de uma boa mistura de indie e punk, “Los Campesinos” é muito bem vindo.
Encerrando então o ano com chave de ouro e com muita diversão quero deixar duas músicas que eu particularmente gosto muito: “Deth Los Campesinos” primeiro álbum de 2008 “Hold on Now, Youngster...” e “Romance is Boring” faixa título do disco de 2008.
Feliz 2012!
Aleandro St.
To end the year, wanted to bring something young, fun then I remembered a jig that makes a mocking style, a blend of indie punk similar to Art Brut (Art Brut was introduced in Nov. Here on the blog), these are the students band "Los Campesinos". A junction of vibrande interesting and varied instruments in compositions reminiscent of the "Architecture in Helsinki", anyway.
Spanish origin of the name "Los Campesinos" (The Peasants), met in 2006 in the city of Cadiff, Wales, more a story is not accidental and deliberate, which ended up working very well. They did a show in the first Cadiff University, ie, a show in college in May 2006, three months after the band had enough fans to ensure the opening of the show's "Broken Social Scene" and only later, in early 2007 launch the first single, ie, without having played shows work still recorded.
The band began training with: Aleksandra (keyboard, French horn), Ellen (bass), Gareth (glockenspiel), Harriet (violin, keyboards), Neil (guitar), Ollie (drums), Tom (guitar) and all sing.
Everything went very well, shows in the U.S., South America, new eps, albums until we arrived at the launch of the album "Romance is Boring" in 2010, to general surprise, the period of recording this album, Aleksandra left the band to be replaced by Gareth sister. At the same time another new member, Rob. In the same year drummer Ollie was asked to leave the band and Jason took Merch Guy. Later, in 2011 a casualty, Harriet announced his departure for further study.
Discography: 2008 - Hold on Now, Youngster ... | 2008 We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed | 2010 - Romance Is Boring | 2011 - Hello Sadness
The band is still going strong, and for those who like a good mix of indie and punk, "Los Campesinos" is very welcome.
Then ending the year with a flourish and with a lot of fun I want to make two songs that I particularly like a lot, "Deth Los Campesinos' 2008 debut album" Hold On Now, Youngster ... "and" Romance is Boring "title track disk 2008.
To end the year, wanted to bring something young, fun then I remembered a jig that makes a mocking style, a blend of indie punk similar to Art Brut (Art Brut was introduced in Nov. Here on the blog), these are the students band "Los Campesinos". A junction of vibrande interesting and varied instruments in compositions reminiscent of the "Architecture in Helsinki", anyway.
Spanish origin of the name "Los Campesinos" (The Peasants), met in 2006 in the city of Cadiff, Wales, more a story is not accidental and deliberate, which ended up working very well. They did a show in the first Cadiff University, ie, a show in college in May 2006, three months after the band had enough fans to ensure the opening of the show's "Broken Social Scene" and only later, in early 2007 launch the first single, ie, without having played shows work still recorded.
The band began training with: Aleksandra (keyboard, French horn), Ellen (bass), Gareth (glockenspiel), Harriet (violin, keyboards), Neil (guitar), Ollie (drums), Tom (guitar) and all sing.
Everything went very well, shows in the U.S., South America, new eps, albums until we arrived at the launch of the album "Romance is Boring" in 2010, to general surprise, the period of recording this album, Aleksandra left the band to be replaced by Gareth sister. At the same time another new member, Rob. In the same year drummer Ollie was asked to leave the band and Jason took Merch Guy. Later, in 2011 a casualty, Harriet announced his departure for further study.
Discography: 2008 - Hold on Now, Youngster ... | 2008 We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed | 2010 - Romance Is Boring | 2011 - Hello Sadness
The band is still going strong, and for those who like a good mix of indie and punk, "Los Campesinos" is very welcome.
Then ending the year with a flourish and with a lot of fun I want to make two songs that I particularly like a lot, "Deth Los Campesinos' 2008 debut album" Hold On Now, Youngster ... "and" Romance is Boring "title track disk 2008.
Have Nice 2012!
Aleandro St.