Apesar do nome no singular (she´s so pretty) a banda apresenta um "pretty" trio feminino a frente do palco, contando com Nanda Cury nos vocais, Michele Bertholdo na guitarra e Pamella Vapsys no baixo e completando a formação Ciro Figuerêdo na bateria e Luiz Arnault nos teclados.
Formada em 2008 a banda tem como inspiração bandas oitentistas sendo fácil notar em alguns momentos influencias do New Wave, mas as influencias nao param por aí, bandas mais recentes como Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Foster the People, Vive La Fete e CSS, tudo isso resulta em um som dançante e cheio de energia com destaque para as linhas de baixo bem suingadas e bem trabalhadas.
Em 2011 lançaram o seu primeiro EP homônimo, esgotando-se rapidamente das prateleiras da Livraria Cultura, no final do mesmo ano lançaram também o single da música Blim Blom e em 2012 fizeram parte do line up do Palco SP Indie da Virada Cultural de São Paulo.
Deixo aqui as músicas Blim Blom, Wear Me Out e Dr. Pink Freud
Espero que gostem
Eduardo Freire
Despite the singular name (she's so pretty) the band has a "pretty" female trio the front of the stage, with Nanda Cury on vocals, Michele Bertholdo on guitars and Pamella Vapsys on bass and completing the formation Ciro Figuerêdo on drums and Luiz Arnault on keyboards.
Formed in 2008 the band has influences as '80s bands, is easy to see influences of New Wave, but the influences do not stop there, there is more recent bands like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Foster the People, Vive La Fete e the brazilian band Cansei de Ser Sexy, all this results in danceable musics full of energy with emphasis on the amazing bass lines.
In 2011 they released their debut EP, at the end of the same year also released the single Blim Blom and in 2012 were part of the line up of the Stage SP Indie on Virada Cultural in São Paulo.
Here´s the songs Blim Blom, Wear Me Out and Dr. Pink Freud
Eduardo Freire
Espero que gostem
Eduardo Freire
Despite the singular name (she's so pretty) the band has a "pretty" female trio the front of the stage, with Nanda Cury on vocals, Michele Bertholdo on guitars and Pamella Vapsys on bass and completing the formation Ciro Figuerêdo on drums and Luiz Arnault on keyboards.
Formed in 2008 the band has influences as '80s bands, is easy to see influences of New Wave, but the influences do not stop there, there is more recent bands like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Foster the People, Vive La Fete e the brazilian band Cansei de Ser Sexy, all this results in danceable musics full of energy with emphasis on the amazing bass lines.
In 2011 they released their debut EP, at the end of the same year also released the single Blim Blom and in 2012 were part of the line up of the Stage SP Indie on Virada Cultural in São Paulo.
Here´s the songs Blim Blom, Wear Me Out and Dr. Pink Freud
Eduardo Freire